In reverse chronological order:
- Local character at risk (Mercury, 24 January 2020)
- Ogilvie's climate Bill a welcome strategy (Mercury, 17 January 2020)
- Victory for the community. The Tasmanian Planning Commission's decision against considering the proposed Cambria Green planning scheme amendment to allow for a large-scale development at Dolphin Sands (near Swansea) is a momentous win for the community and for sound, transparent Planning decision-making (Mercury 29 November 2019)
- HOT TOPIC: SECRET PARKS DEALS comprising the following letters: Right to know shot to pieces; Our input too late: Building suspicion; Quiet ones have had it; You must be joking: Owned by us all, after all. (Mercury, 25 October 2019)
- HOT TOPIC: LAKE MALBENA DECISION comprising the following letters: Nothing like our wilderness; Noise pollution; Bugger the quiet; High end at right price; Setting a precedent; No need to explore it all (Mercury, 24 October 2019)
- Ads pure and simple (Mercury, 19 October 2019)
- Valid DA being assessed (Mercury, 27 Aug 2019)
- Master plan first (Mercury, 5 August 2019)
- Ignoring population (Mercury, 8 July 2019)
- Hey,we're stakeholders (Mercury 2 January 2019)
- Redress mistake with foreshore reserves (Mercury 3 January 2019)
- Blind to aesthetics (Mercury, 2 Oct 2018)
- Transport hub please (Mercury, 29 Sept 2018)
- Climate threats (Mercury, 29 Sept 2018)
- An enclave that doesn't protect (Mercury 23 August 2018)
- Owned by Australians (Mercury, 18 August 2018)
- Planning sham (Mercury, 30 July 2018)
- HOT TOPIC: SOUTHERN WOODCHIP MILL comprising the following letters: People power's victory sweet; Greens behind it; Fantastic news; Bleeding obvious; Back to the trenches (Mercury, 30 Jul 2018)
- Seven steps to heaven (Mercury, 28 July 2018)
- City character ruined (Mercury 28 July 2018)
- HOT TOPIC: TOURISM AND TASMANIA comprising the following letters: Wrong target in visitor battle; What next, visas?; Elephant in the room; Creative solutions; Learn from Barcelona; Focus on council job; Detrimental effects. (Mercury 26 June 2018)
- City on brink of crisis (Mercury, 23 June 2018)
- World Heritage rego (Mercury 20 June 2018)
- Better not bigger (Mercury 2 April 2018)
- Never asked (Mercury 26 March 2018)
- Save our lifestyle (Mercury 26 March 2018)
- Designed to railroad the little people? (Mercury, 27 February 2018)
- Don't do it (Mercury 27 February 2018)
- Paradise lost (Mercury 27 February 2018)
- Theme park (Mercury 27 February 2018)
- Special corner might disappear. (Mercury 17 January 2018)
- HOT TOPIC: QUALITY OF LIFE comprising the following letters: Think high-end and long-term; Lift standards; Wowsers: Number concerns; Keep us stable; Necessities (Mercury, 13 January 2018)
- HOT TOPIC: KANGAROO BAY comprising the following letters: Priceless community asset; Given away; Historical values; Charming as it is; Disregarded. (Mercury 4 December 2017)
- Potential lost (Mercury, 2 December 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: DEVELOPMENT comprising the following letters: Legacy should be wild mountain; Speaking up; Don't take the credit; Avoid Sir Joh path; Poetry in motion (Mercury 30 November 2017)
- Slower, more confusing (Mercury, 28 November 2017)
- Precious right to waterfront (Mercury 28 November 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: TOURISM comprising the following letters: Window of opportunity closing; Giving away views; Spoiling what's special; Only the best quality; Heed backlash; Pitfalls of popularity (Mercury 28 November 2017)
- Distracted by height debate (Mercury 17 November 2017)
- Bellerive issues remain (Mercury 17 November 2017)
- Planning results (Mercury 13 November 2017)
- There goes neighbourhood (Mercury 13 November 2017)
- Limit population growth (Mercury 28 October 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: PLANNING comprising the following letters: Give power back to people; Height opportunity lost; Christmas timing: Punt concern; Fast track warning. (Mercury 2 October 2017)
- Lost without red tape (Mercury 29 September 2017)
- Height message (Mercury 29 September 2017)
- Overshadowed (Mercury 28 September 2017)
- Cable car criticism (Mercury 27 September 2017)
- Keep the theme (Mercury 27 September 2017)
- Listen to Clarence residents (Mercury 25 September 2017)
- Wind farms not always progress (Mercury 25 September 2017)
- Commuters will need a place to park (Mercury 24 September 2017)
- We need rules of engagement on deal (Mercury 20 September 2017)
- Still wondering (Mercury 20 September 2017)
- McMansions (Mercury 19 September 2017)
- Keep foreshore special (Mercury 16 September 2017)
- Towering cranes (Mercury 14 September 2017)
- Low-rise the way to go (Mercury 13 September 2017)
- Take care tampering with lifestyle (Mercury 13 September 2017)
- Not wanted (Mercury 4 September 2017)
- Time to cut back on urban tree losses (Mercury 2 September 2017)
- Everyone's coastline (Mercury 2 September 2017)
- I speak for the trees (Mercury 1 September 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: HIGH-RISE DEVELOPMENT comprising the following letters: Who has final say on buildings?; Design inspiration; Tall and thin no better; Touch for developers (Mercury 31 August 2017)
- High limit sensible (Mercury 29 August 2017)
- Knock back high rise (Mercury 23 August 2017)
- All responsible (Mercury, 21 August 2017)
- Stop the tower (Mercury, 21 August 2017)
- Planning reform a minefield of drama (Mercury, 18 August 2017)
- Tied up in cable (Mercury, 18 August 2017)
- Slow on the uptake (Mercury 16 August 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: HOBART HIGH RISE comprising the following letters: Good ol' coloured brick trick; Bellerive bulldozed; Wriggle room; Double-edged sword. (Mercury, 14 August 2017)
- Heritage assets (Mercury, 12 August 2017)
- No high-rise deals (Mercury, 12 August 2017)
- Environment no voice in Government (Mercury, 11 August 2017)
- Beware (Mercury, 11 August 2017)
- Don't do it (Mercury, 11 August 2017)
- Clear vision (Mercury, 10 August 2017)
- A lovely scale (Mercury, 7 August 2017)
- A beloved place (Mercury 2 August 2017)
- Tassal is ignoring the will of the people (Mercury, 2 August 2017)
- Amenity lost (Mercury, 2 August 2017)
- Built out (Mercury 2 August 2017)
- Fight high rise (Mercury, 31 July 2017)
- A plan for Hobart's future transport needs (Mercury, 27 July 2017)
- Puzzling development (Mercury, 25 July 2017)
- Veto mountain development (Mercury, 25 July 2017)
- Just be our natural selves (Mercury, 24 July 2017)
- Aesthetics valued (Mercury, 21 July 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: CABLE CAR comprising the following letters: An end-run around the rules; So many blessings; Lessons not learned: Foisted on us: Keep mountain clear. (Mercury, 18 July 2017)
- Keep Hobart low rise (Mercury, 18 July 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: HIGH RISE DEVELOPMENT comprising the following letters: We must back our own interests; Listen to the people; Grander plan needed; Vote against towers. (Mercury, 17 July 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: KANGAROO BAY comprising the following letters: So many questions unanswered; Give-away prices; Development disaster; Preserve what we have. (Mercury, 15 July 2017)
- A better city. (Mercury, 12 July 2017)
- Quality is important (Mercury, 12 July 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: PLANNING comprising the following letters: New scheme attacks ambience; Kangaroo Bay praise; Wisdom ignored; Heritage threat. (Mercury, 11 July 2017)
- Spin cycle (Mercury 8 July 2017)
- Policies ignored (Mercury 8 July 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: NEW PLANNING RULES comprising the following letters: Consultation has fallen short; Growing pains; Local views ignored (Mercury, 5 July 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: FISH FARMS comprising the following letters: East Coast too precious to risk; Why pick on salmon? Government in denial (Mercury, 3 July 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: KANGAROO BAY comprising the following letters: Council is ignoring community; Not in my front yard; Silent majority; Kangaroo Bay (Mercury, 30 June 2017)
- Mountain is a place cherished by all (Mercury, 28 June 2017)
- Forget fish farms, there are better ideas (Mercury, 26 June 2017)
- Small is beautiful (Mercury 26 June 2017)
- Gutwein making the state bland (Mercury 24 June 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: URBAN DEVELOPMENT comprising the following letters: City's strength is unique beauty; Wrong way; Support welcome: This land is our land (Mercury, 23 June 2017)
- City's decline (Mercury, 23 June 2017)
- Fish farms need popular support (Mercury, 21 June 2017)
- Vista ruined (Mercury, 21 June 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: KANGAROO BAY comprising the following letters: Project falls far short; Do they care?; Please explain; Lesson in planning; Ridiculous. (Mercury, 19 June 2017)
- Serious threat to Battery Point precinct (Mercury, 19 June 2017)
- Appeals futile (Mercury, 16 June 2017)
- We are heading the wrong way (Mercury, 14 June 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: CITY TOWERS comprising the following 4 letters: Our city's charm lies in its scale; Unique attraction; Singapore cloned; Transient benefits. (Mercury, 14 June 2017)
- Another plan needed (Mercury, 13 June 2017)
- Not quite right (Mercury, 9 June 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: DEVELOPMENT comprising the following letters: Architects spreading ugliness; Just not safe; insipid approach
- Fight to keep Hobart's historic charm (Mercury, 5 June 2017)
- We need to protect our heritage (Mercury, 31 May 2017)
- Change of heart (Mercury, 31 May 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: PLANNING OUR CITY comprising the following 3 letters: Hobart looking cheap and ugly; Don't spoil capital; High-rise horror (Mercury, 27 May 2017)
- For a handful of jobs (Mercury, 19 May 2017)
- Who's the boss? (Mercury, 19 May 2017)
- Forestry folly (Mercury, 19 May 2017)
- Barcelona disease (Mercury, 19 May 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: PLANNING LAWS comprising the following 3 letters: Ordinary citizens disadvantaged; More consultation; Unfair fight (Mercury, 17 May 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: SKYSCRAPER PROPOSALS including the following 3 letters: Assault on Hobart's charm; Point plan; Views for all (Mercury, 15 May)
- High rises are just a load of rubbish (Mercury, 14 May 2017)
- Tasmania is different, special (Mercury, 13 May 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: HIGH RISE DEVELOPMENT comprising the following 5 letters: Take a stand for our lovely city; Mixed bag; People power; Bigger picture; Make a good mark. (Mercury, 11 May 2017)
- Rising waters (Mercury, 11 May 2017)
- Stand up for Hobart's character (Mercury, 8 May 2017)
- Bigger is not better (Mercury, 8 May 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: SKYSCRAPER DEVELOPMENTS comprising the following 4 letters: We don't need high rise towers; We have other options; Shadowy designs; Respect city's scale (Mercury, 3 May 2017)
- Growing pains (Mercury, 3 May 2017)
- Two sides to a property boom (Mercury, 2 May 2017)
- Save city's charm (Mercury, 2 May 2017)
- Just another city (Mercury, 2 May 2017)
- Planning a key issue (Mercury, 18 April 2017)
- You can't afford to fight city hall (Mercury 13 April 2017)
- Cable car enjoys favourable treatment (Mercury 4 April 2017)
- Green eyes must look at population (Mercury 2 April 2017)
- Local voices must be heard (Mercury, 2 April 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: PLANNING comprising the following 3 letters: Three facts on the new scheme; Poor decisions will go on; and What of our futures? (Mercury 1 April 2017)
- Protect Flinders Island (Mercury, 1 April 2017)
- Paradise lost in beauty spots (Mercury 1 April 2017)
- Spare our waterfront from highrise blight (Mercury 22 March 2017)
- Waterfront wrong site (Mercury 20 March 2017)
- HOT TOPIC: FISH FARMS comprising the following 4 letters: Dirty end to clean, green, clever; Clean up your act; Jobs no compensation; Save your surroundings; Port Arthur better choice. (Mercury 14 April 2017)
- Time for a traffic fix (Mercury editorial, 25 February 2017)
- Rapid growth not sustainable (Mercury 22 February 2017)
- No vision for growth (Mercury 6 Feb 2017)
- Planning concerns (Mercury 13 Jan 2017)
- Destructive plans (Mercury 14 Dec 2016)
- Planning to lose (Mercury 10 Dec 2016)
- Population bomb (Mercury 2 Dec 2016)
- Lacking vision (Mercury 2 Dec 2016)
- What we want (Mercury 2 Dec 2016)
- Make planning decision properly public (Mercury 23 Nov 2016)
- Planning fears (Mercury 23 Nov 2016)
- Coastal great wall (Mercury 21 Nov 2016)
- Hobart, follow the lead of Paris (Mercury, 18 Nov 2016)
- Plans for the future (Mercury, 18 Nov 2016)
- Scale of South Hobart project all wrong (Mercury 18 Nov 2016)
- Heritage at risk (Mercury 17 Nov 2016)
- Wrong way on salmon and planning (Mercury, 15 Nov 2016)
- Sacrificing the public (Mercury, 12 Nov 2016)
- Big Tassie doubts (Mercury, 12 Nov 2016)
- Too big (Mercury, 12 Nov 2016)
- Ignore the public at your peril Minister (Mercury, 10 Nov 2016)
- Keep our uniqueness (Mercury, 3 Nov 2016)
- Once more into the breach (Mercury, 2 Nov 2016)
- Stay different (Mercury, 2 Nov 2016)
- Planning problems (Mercury, 13 October 2016)
- Repent at leisure (Mercury 5 October 2016)
- Planning horrors (Mercury, 26 August 2016)
- Draft Statewide planning scheme fails (Mercury, 21 June 2016)