Here's what a range of experts and community leaders have to say about the role of planning and Tasmania's controversial Planning Scheme.

“Planning Systems should be about far-sightedness and protecting the values we hold most dear, not development at any cost.” - Professor Michael Buxton (RMIT)

"There is no discernible vision for Public Planning emanating from this government. Labor recognises the purpose of public planning is to agree, with all Tasmanians, a strategic vision for the future of Tasmania"  - Madeleine Ogilvie (former Shadow Minister for Planning)

“In essence, this Scheme says ‘Develop anything you want wherever you want'...Let us pray that Labor and the Greens rise up in revulsion!”  - Distinguished Professor Jamie Kirkpatrick (University of Tasmania)

"It is becoming harder and harder for Councils to say no to developments" (Council Planning Officer)

"What we have is a dangerous situation where powerful interests can unduly influence a minister and a government" - Greg Barnes (Talking Point article, Mercury, 5 February 2018)

"Please please please...retain the beauty and charm and individuality of Hobart city...and our state" - Essie Davis (Mercury, 8 May 2017) 

"In a world of ever more, ever larger megacities, Hobart's charms become increasingly unique" - Richard Flanagan (Mercury, 6 May 2017)

“Of course this will be an election issue - Planning is everything”  - Rosalie Woodruff (Greens Member for Franklin)

"The future of our planning system could well be one of the defining issues for Tasmania over the next 12 months" - Mercury editorial, 31 October 2016

"Planning is an issue that transcends party politics and generations. It affects everyone and it is time to take politics out of planning" - Anne Harrison, TasPIN (Mercury 23 Nov 2016)

"A good plan is a vision, a way of seeking and a source of inspiration" - David Walsh (Our future, Mercury 10 Dec 2016)

"Hobart is a remarkable city. Tasmania is a remarkable state. We are not run of the mill. We are not mediocre. And we need a vision and leadership which reflects this."  Mercury editorial, 26 October 2017

“Planning is about deciding what sort of future we would like to bring about (or perhaps to avoid) and then setting about trying to make it happen. The vision, and our ability to share the vision, is the key.” – Professor Peter Cullen OA (1943-2008)

"Planning would achieve better outcomes with a mantra of strategic, sustainable and integrated." - Irene Duckett (Tasmanian President, Planning Institute of Australia)

"Careful, considered and sensitive Planning really matters - and so do our voices" - Essie Davis (Launch speech, Planning Matters Alliance Tasmania) 

"Tasmania has what the world wants - an unrivaled natural environment, premium experiences, world-class produce and unbeatable way of life" - Acting Premier Jeremy Rockcliff (Mercury 23 Nov 2019)

"I do believe we can do something unique in this state. Not just in the near term of 12-18 months but long term by comprehensively reshaping our state's future; a future built on a clean, green clever reputation, a reputation enhanced by our success in medically, socially and economically managing an agile and responsible re-emergence from the COVID-19 crisis" - Professor John Burgess (Mercury Talking Point, April 8 2020)

"The future is in science related to the natural world and how we live. The science is there, the natural world is there. It's time for this town, this state to do something different and lead" - Science broadcaster Robin Williams (Hobart Town Hall public meeting, 2017)